Saturday, November 19, 2011


The fall here in Georgia has been beautiful! The trees are all vibrant shades of red, yellow and orange! Here's a quick summary of what we have been up to!

Kevin got us tickets to see the musical Wicked for my birthday! We enjoyed a fun day in Atlanta and the show was amazing!!

Mr. and Mrs. Claunch came to visit us in early October! We took the CNN studio tower in Atlanta, went to our first Georgia football game, went to the Georgia Botanical gardens and tour the University of Georgia! We had a wonderful time and can't wait for them to come back soon!

I lucky enough to get to take a trip to Boston with my Grandma Phillip! We got to visit with family we hadn't seen in awhile and had a great time!! It was wonderful to spend the week with her!!

I got a job! I am working for Landmark Hospital here in Athens. I am excited about this opportunity and anxious to learn something new! Kevin continues to enjoy his job here and we feel very fortunate that he works with some great people!

Kevin and I took a Sunday afternoon and went to Washington Farms. They have a pumpkin patch, a corn maze, pig races and many other activities! It was great to spend the afternoon outside!

This past weekend Corey and Alli came to visit! We hadn't seen them since their wedding this summer, so we had alot of catching up to do! We really enjoyed the weekend and are so happy they made the trip!

Monday, August 15, 2011

3 year Anniversary!!

We celebrated our 3 year anniversary on August 2nd! Kevin had the weekend off so we took a weekend trip to Augusta, GA. We had a great dinner and stayed at the Partridge Inn. It was a really neat hotel that was built in 1892. We really enjoyed its character and they had a wonderful brunch on Sunday morning. It was nice to get out of town and relax together for the weekend!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Back in Georgia!

We are now back from our trip and starting to get settled in Athens, GA. Kevin started his new job at the University of Georgia this week and I am trying to get our new house unpacked and organized! I will try and post pictures soon!


On our way back to Georgia we stopped in Dallas! I had dinner with Emily, Erin and Angela! It was so great to see my old roommates! We also had a alot of fun spending time with Angela, Chris and Addison! Addy has grown so much since I last saw her in December.

Corey and Alli's Wedding

Corey and Alli got married in Austin on July 2nd! The wedding was beautiful and we enjoyed spending the weekend with family! Alli was a stunning bride and they both were so happy! It was a perfect day! Here are a few pictures I took! I will try and post more soon!

Catching up from the last few months!

WOW, have we been busy this spring and summer!

We made a trip to Houston in May for two big events! Kyle graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Industrial Distribution! We are so proud of him!! He accepted a job in San Antonio and started it this week!

Lauren and Jameson got married the same weekend Kyle graduated! We are so happy for them and I feel so blessed to have been a part of the wedding! Lauren was a beautiful bride and the wedding was alot of fun!

Rood and Riddle hosted a end of year party for the Interns. It was the first time that all the Interns had a night off since last year! We had a great time hanging with everyone!

We were sad to say goodbye to our friends in Lexington! My parents came down to help us pack up and make the move to Georgia. We took some time to tour some of the whiskey distilleries also!

Here is a picture of our new place in Athens!!

We unloaded our stuff in Georgia and then headed to Texas! We spent a month visiting with our family and friends! We had a great time seeing everyone!

Kevin went to Corey's bachelor party and I went to Alli's bachelorette party. Both were in Austin and we all had a great time!

Kevin, Kerri, my mom and I all took a week and went to Iowa to visit our family! We loved seeing everyone and are so glad we were all able to make the trip together!

Kerri had her final surgery and is doing really well! We were so glad that we could be there with her on surgery day!! We had fun playing games and laughing at the funny things she said while she was still waking up!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Foaling Season!!

Spring is the busiest time for Kevin at the clinic. It is both foaling and breeding season! The hospital is full of new foals! They are adorable!! I saw my first foal born last night! It was really amazing! I hope to get the chance to see many more!

Kentucky Basketball!

We attended our first University of Kentucky basketball game this weekend! I have been wanting to see a game since we moved here! We had a blast and it was awesome to experience a game at Rupp Arena!!

Georgia here we come!!

Kevin received a residency position at the University of Georgia! We will be moving to Athens, GA in June. Kevin will work on staff at the university and continue to learn the skills needed to become board certified in large animal surgery! We will be in Athens for 3-4 years. We are so excited and feel so blessed that we have been given this opportunity! These position are very competitive and difficult to get!! We can't wait to see what is is store for us in Georgia!!


Lexington has had a very snowy winter! The landscape here is beautiful covered in snow!!

Kevin and I have enjoyed are first real winter together! The dogs have had fun playing in the snow also!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy 2011!!

We had a busy and exciting 2010 and we are looking forward to see what 2011 has in store for us! Kevin is currently applying for a Large Animal Residency position. There are very few available positions and they are all very competitive!! We will find out in mid-February if he is offered a position and then we will know where we will be moving in June! The next month will be stressful as we wait to hear, so please keep us in your prayers!!

End of 2010!

I am behind in updating our blog! So, here's a quick recap of the end of 2010!!

The fall horse races began at Keeneland racetrack in September. We had so much fun experiencing our first Kentucky race.

I went to New Orleans and participated in the Susan G. Komen cancer walk with my family! It was great to see them and really special to complete the walk together! Several of my mom's friends came from Friendswood to be there with us!

Angela and Chris welcomed their daughter Addison Mae Burnett into the world on October 27th. She arrived a whole month early! I was able to go to Dallas and meet Miss Addy and spend a week with Angela and Chris. I feel so blessed to get to spend time with the Burnetts!! Angela and Chris are amazing parents and I can't wait to watch Addy grow with them!

We had a Halloween party at our house with the other interns Kevin works with. The parties theme was to dress like a stereotype from your home state! Kevin dressed as Walker Texas Ranger and I was a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader. Everyone had great costumes! We even dressed the dogs up!

We made a trip to Austin and attended Dustin and Jenni's wedding! The wedding was beautiful and it was great to see old friends!

Also, while we were in Austin, Corey proposed to Alli! We are so happy we could be there to share in such a special moment with them! They will be getting married in July!!

Mr. and Mrs. Claunch came to visit us in November. We were so happy to have company and to show them around Lexington! We went to the racetrack, distilleries, the horse park and saw several farms! We had a wonderful visit and can't wait until the come back again!!

Kevin had about 10 days off for Christmas, so we were able to head home to Texas!! We were able to celebrate with both of our families and see several friends! Our trip went by way too fast, but we are so glad we had the chance to go home for the holidays!!