Sunday, January 9, 2011

End of 2010!

I am behind in updating our blog! So, here's a quick recap of the end of 2010!!

The fall horse races began at Keeneland racetrack in September. We had so much fun experiencing our first Kentucky race.

I went to New Orleans and participated in the Susan G. Komen cancer walk with my family! It was great to see them and really special to complete the walk together! Several of my mom's friends came from Friendswood to be there with us!

Angela and Chris welcomed their daughter Addison Mae Burnett into the world on October 27th. She arrived a whole month early! I was able to go to Dallas and meet Miss Addy and spend a week with Angela and Chris. I feel so blessed to get to spend time with the Burnetts!! Angela and Chris are amazing parents and I can't wait to watch Addy grow with them!

We had a Halloween party at our house with the other interns Kevin works with. The parties theme was to dress like a stereotype from your home state! Kevin dressed as Walker Texas Ranger and I was a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader. Everyone had great costumes! We even dressed the dogs up!

We made a trip to Austin and attended Dustin and Jenni's wedding! The wedding was beautiful and it was great to see old friends!

Also, while we were in Austin, Corey proposed to Alli! We are so happy we could be there to share in such a special moment with them! They will be getting married in July!!

Mr. and Mrs. Claunch came to visit us in November. We were so happy to have company and to show them around Lexington! We went to the racetrack, distilleries, the horse park and saw several farms! We had a wonderful visit and can't wait until the come back again!!

Kevin had about 10 days off for Christmas, so we were able to head home to Texas!! We were able to celebrate with both of our families and see several friends! Our trip went by way too fast, but we are so glad we had the chance to go home for the holidays!!

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