Saturday, November 19, 2011


The fall here in Georgia has been beautiful! The trees are all vibrant shades of red, yellow and orange! Here's a quick summary of what we have been up to!

Kevin got us tickets to see the musical Wicked for my birthday! We enjoyed a fun day in Atlanta and the show was amazing!!

Mr. and Mrs. Claunch came to visit us in early October! We took the CNN studio tower in Atlanta, went to our first Georgia football game, went to the Georgia Botanical gardens and tour the University of Georgia! We had a wonderful time and can't wait for them to come back soon!

I lucky enough to get to take a trip to Boston with my Grandma Phillip! We got to visit with family we hadn't seen in awhile and had a great time!! It was wonderful to spend the week with her!!

I got a job! I am working for Landmark Hospital here in Athens. I am excited about this opportunity and anxious to learn something new! Kevin continues to enjoy his job here and we feel very fortunate that he works with some great people!

Kevin and I took a Sunday afternoon and went to Washington Farms. They have a pumpkin patch, a corn maze, pig races and many other activities! It was great to spend the afternoon outside!

This past weekend Corey and Alli came to visit! We hadn't seen them since their wedding this summer, so we had alot of catching up to do! We really enjoyed the weekend and are so happy they made the trip!

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