Monday, July 18, 2011

Catching up from the last few months!

WOW, have we been busy this spring and summer!

We made a trip to Houston in May for two big events! Kyle graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Industrial Distribution! We are so proud of him!! He accepted a job in San Antonio and started it this week!

Lauren and Jameson got married the same weekend Kyle graduated! We are so happy for them and I feel so blessed to have been a part of the wedding! Lauren was a beautiful bride and the wedding was alot of fun!

Rood and Riddle hosted a end of year party for the Interns. It was the first time that all the Interns had a night off since last year! We had a great time hanging with everyone!

We were sad to say goodbye to our friends in Lexington! My parents came down to help us pack up and make the move to Georgia. We took some time to tour some of the whiskey distilleries also!

Here is a picture of our new place in Athens!!

We unloaded our stuff in Georgia and then headed to Texas! We spent a month visiting with our family and friends! We had a great time seeing everyone!

Kevin went to Corey's bachelor party and I went to Alli's bachelorette party. Both were in Austin and we all had a great time!

Kevin, Kerri, my mom and I all took a week and went to Iowa to visit our family! We loved seeing everyone and are so glad we were all able to make the trip together!

Kerri had her final surgery and is doing really well! We were so glad that we could be there with her on surgery day!! We had fun playing games and laughing at the funny things she said while she was still waking up!

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