Thursday, May 6, 2010

March and April

I have been really bad about updating this! Here is a recap of our March and April.

Kevin, my mom and I made a trip to visit my family in Iowa! We had a great time, but the trip was too short. We got to meet my cousin Cathy's new baby Hallie. She was born in December and is adorable! While we were there my other cousin Crystal had her baby. We are anxious to meet baby Allison on our next visit. We had a lot of fun on the farm and were glad we got to help with the animals! My cousin Chelsey is pregnant and it was great to see her pregnant belly and get to feel the baby kick! We also got to celebrate my Grandma Phillip's birthday!

I had a girls weekend in College Station with Emily, Erin and Angela! I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends!! We recently found out that Chris and Angela are pregnant!! We are so excited for them and know they will be amazing parents!!

We went on a vacation with the Phillip family! We went to Mexico and stayed in a resort right on the beach!! We really enjoyed the amazing food and some relaxing time on the beach. We got to swim with dolphins and complete a zip line course. We also were able to explore some natural caves in the area!! This was an awesome vacation and we all enjoyed some good family time!!

Kevin recieved an award from the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. He was given the award for being outstanding in large animal surgery!! We are all so proud of him!!

Kyle got his Aggie Ring on April 16th!! We are all so excited for him and really enjoyed getting to celebrate with him! There are now 5 members of the Claunch family that have Aggie Rings!!

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