Sunday, September 19, 2010

Family Visits!!!

We have been so lucky to already have had my mom, Kyle and Kerri come visit us! We had a blast with each one of them and enjoyed showing them around Lexington!! We saw Keeneland race track, the Kentucky Horse Park, Churchill Downs race track, went on a whiskey distillery tour and saw alot of the horse farms!!

2 year anniversary!!

Kevin and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on August 2nd!! We have been enjoying ever minute together and feel so blessed! We had a great night out for our anniversary.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So Far So Good!

We have been living in Kentucky for 2 weeks today. We are really enjoying the beautiful countryside as well as the nice weather! Kevin is loving his job even though he is working a ton!! I have enjoyed meeting the other interns and staff that Kevin works with. We are having a great time exploring!!

Kentucky here we come!!

Both my parents and Mrs. Claunch helped us drive our vehicles and the U-Haul to Kentucky. We made it to New Orleans the first day and spent the night. The second day we drove the remaining distance to Lexington. We are so grateful for their help on the drive as well as unloading our stuff! Our new house is perfect for us! It is next door to the clinic, so Kevin can walk to work!

Before our parents left to head back to Texas we did some sight seeing. We went to Keenland racetrack and watched the horses training. We toured the Kentucky Horse Park and toured Churchill Downs in Louisville.


We were so lucky to have both of our families help us pack and load our U-haul. The truck was stuffed and I don't think anything else would have fit. We are sad to say goodbye to Brenham, but excited to explore Kentucky! Thank you so much to our families for all of their help!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Disney World

We had an amazing trip to Disney World with the Claunch family. We went to all the Disney parks as well as Universal Studios. We were able to go on tons of rides and see some great shows. We feel so lucky that we were able to have such an awesome vacation with our family!!

Kevin's Graduation Party

Mr. and Mrs. Claunch hosted a graduation party for Kevin in Crosby. We feel so blessed that so many of our friends and family came to celebrate with us. Despite the rain we all had a great afternoon!

Dr. Kevin M. Claunch

Kevin graduated from Texas A&M Vet School on May 13th. He is now officially Dr. Kevin M. Claunch, DVM. He has worked so hard and we are all so proud of him!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bluebonnet Season!!!

This is my favorite time of year here in Brenham!! The bluebonnets are in full bloom along with several other types of wildflowers!! I am really going to miss this when we move!!

March and April

I have been really bad about updating this! Here is a recap of our March and April.

Kevin, my mom and I made a trip to visit my family in Iowa! We had a great time, but the trip was too short. We got to meet my cousin Cathy's new baby Hallie. She was born in December and is adorable! While we were there my other cousin Crystal had her baby. We are anxious to meet baby Allison on our next visit. We had a lot of fun on the farm and were glad we got to help with the animals! My cousin Chelsey is pregnant and it was great to see her pregnant belly and get to feel the baby kick! We also got to celebrate my Grandma Phillip's birthday!

I had a girls weekend in College Station with Emily, Erin and Angela! I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends!! We recently found out that Chris and Angela are pregnant!! We are so excited for them and know they will be amazing parents!!

We went on a vacation with the Phillip family! We went to Mexico and stayed in a resort right on the beach!! We really enjoyed the amazing food and some relaxing time on the beach. We got to swim with dolphins and complete a zip line course. We also were able to explore some natural caves in the area!! This was an awesome vacation and we all enjoyed some good family time!!

Kevin recieved an award from the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. He was given the award for being outstanding in large animal surgery!! We are all so proud of him!!

Kyle got his Aggie Ring on April 16th!! We are all so excited for him and really enjoyed getting to celebrate with him! There are now 5 members of the Claunch family that have Aggie Rings!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grandparents visit

Both sets of my grandparents, Mauderly and Phillip, came to visit us in January. We had so much fun with all of them. With my Grandma and Grandpa Phillip we celebrated my Grandpa Phillip's birthday and their anniversary. My Grandma and Grandpa Mauderly and my Aunt Cindy came to visit also. We celebrated my Grandma's birthday by having a girls spa day! We were so glad that they all were able to come down to visit!

New Years Eve!

We spent New Years Eve in New Orleans with my parents and our good friends the Burnetts! Angela and Chris had never been to New Orleans and we had a great time showing them around. We walked around the French Quarter, went to Pat O'Briens, participated in all the Sugar Bowl activities and ate at some amazing restaurants.


We hosted the Claunchs and the Phillips at our house in Brenham for Thanksgiving this year. We had so much fun with everyone and were so glad we could all be in one place for the holidays. After a wonderful meal, we all headed into College Station for the A&M vs UT football game.

We're moving to Kentucky!

Kevin has accepted a 1 year internship at Rood and Riddle Equine clinic in Lexington, KY. This is one of the best equine clinics in the country and we feel so blessed that Kevin has been given this amazing opportunity. We will be moving to KY in May and are so excited to see what this new adventure has in store for us!