Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our first blog!!

Hey everyone!! I (Kelley) thought it would be fun to start a blog!! I hope that it will help keep everyone updated on our busy lives. We have officially been married a little over 2 weeks and are loving every minute of it!! We really appreciate all of you that came to our wedding. It was definitely a night we will never forget and I hope that everyone else enjoyed themselves too! We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon and had an amazing time! It was truly paradise. Since we've been home, we have been unpacking and getting situated! We're enjoying our new house even though it is making me feel more unorganized then ever. I started my new job on Monday and Kevin started classes. I am working for BP in their Pipelines and Logistics department. So, far I'm liking my new job, but I definitely have a lot to learn. Even though we're super busy already, we are having a blast being married and are excited to see what God has planned for us!! I'll try to put up some of our honeymoon pictures soon!!

1 comment:

Chris and Angela Burnett said...

You have a blog?!?!?!? YAY!! :) I am very very excited! Love you!