Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grandparents visit

Both sets of my grandparents, Mauderly and Phillip, came to visit us in January. We had so much fun with all of them. With my Grandma and Grandpa Phillip we celebrated my Grandpa Phillip's birthday and their anniversary. My Grandma and Grandpa Mauderly and my Aunt Cindy came to visit also. We celebrated my Grandma's birthday by having a girls spa day! We were so glad that they all were able to come down to visit!

New Years Eve!

We spent New Years Eve in New Orleans with my parents and our good friends the Burnetts! Angela and Chris had never been to New Orleans and we had a great time showing them around. We walked around the French Quarter, went to Pat O'Briens, participated in all the Sugar Bowl activities and ate at some amazing restaurants.


We hosted the Claunchs and the Phillips at our house in Brenham for Thanksgiving this year. We had so much fun with everyone and were so glad we could all be in one place for the holidays. After a wonderful meal, we all headed into College Station for the A&M vs UT football game.

We're moving to Kentucky!

Kevin has accepted a 1 year internship at Rood and Riddle Equine clinic in Lexington, KY. This is one of the best equine clinics in the country and we feel so blessed that Kevin has been given this amazing opportunity. We will be moving to KY in May and are so excited to see what this new adventure has in store for us!