Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Iowa Vacation

After leaving Kevin in Kentucky I flew to Iowa to spend a week visiting with my family. My mom, dad and I were all able to make the trip together which made it more fun! We spend our time visiting with all our family and helping my grandparents with some projects around their houses. We also got to watch my cousin play volleyball and went to a flea market with my grandpa. The time we were there went by way too fast!

Road Trip-Colorado to Kentucky

As part of Kevin's curriculum he had to spend a month working at a vet clinic. He chose to spend two weeks in Littleton,CO and two weeks in Lexington,KY. My birthday was going to be while he was gone, so I was lucky enough to get to fly up to Colorado to meet him! We drove from Colorado to Kentucky together and got to explore the country side. While in Kentucky we visit Churchill Downs, which is where the Kentucky Derby is held. We had alot of fun and I was so glad to get to spend my birthday with him.

AXO Reunion 2009!!

I went to Lake Whitney for the weekend to spend some time with some of my sorority sisters! I hadn't seen many of them in awhile, and we had a great time catching up! We spent alot of time lounging by the pool and talking with each other. Morgan and Megan planned a whole day of fun games that kept us all laughing! I had a blast and hope we can do it again real soon!!


We celebrated our 1 year anniversary on AUGUST 2, 2009!! Wow, has time flown by!! It's hard to believe we have already been married a full year! This has been a great 12 months, and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband! To celebrate, we reserved a hotel room for the night and went out to a nice dinner! We ate the piece of wedding cake we had been saving, and it actually still tasted great! We also watched our wedding video and had fun remember what a special night it was! We had a great weekend together!

Mauderly Reunion

Here's what we've been up to:

I went to Iowa with my mom for a Mauderly family reunion. It was a quick weekend trip but we has alot of fun visiting with everyone!